1. What is Sphynx?

Sphynx is a Web3 Mini App on Telegram that combines GameFi and Meme culture. It provides a mix of fun and practical features with engaging gameplay and real economic value.

2. How can I earn BLESS?

You can earn BLESS through various activities in the game, including spinning, mining, battling other users or joining our BLESS to Earn system which to try your luck to get more BLESS.

3. What are spins and how do I get them?

Spins are used as prayers to the Holy Cat Sphynx for a chance to win rewards, including Power, Shield, BLESS, Mining Power, Battle and Spins. You can get spins by earning one free spin every hour, inviting friends, purchasing spins with TON, or winning spins through other spins.

4. How does the battle feature work?

In the battle feature, users enter a 1vs1 duel with a randomly selected opponent when they land on the battle option in the spinning feature. Winning a battle rewards you with BLESS, while losing results in the loss of some BLESS.

5. How is my win rate calculated in battles?

Your win rate is calculated based on your attack (POWER) and defense (SHIELD) stats. This win rate is displayed before each battle, allowing you to decide whether to proceed with the battle or decline.

6. What are the different types of missions?

There are three types of missions:

  • Basic Tasks: Designed for newcomers to help them get started.

  • Daily Tasks: Refreshed every day to encourage regular engagement.

  • Daily Check-in: Check-in daily for special rewards.

7. How does the referral system work?

The referral system allows you to invite friends to join Sphynx. Each successful invite will grant you 5 additional spins. Both you and your invited friends can enjoy the benefits of participating in Sphynx's engaging gameplay. We are also proud to introduce the TON referrals system which you receive 10% of the TON your referred friends' spending within the app immediately and directly into your connected TON wallet.

8. What is the purpose of the leaderboard?

The leaderboard tracks players' rankings in four categories: Power, Mining Power, BLESS Balance, and Invites. It encourages competition and provides recognition and rewards for top players.

9. What is the storage feature in Sphynx?

The storage feature accumulates BLESS over time. When it reaches 100% capacity, it will stop refilling until you claim the accumulated BLESS. You can upgrade storage using BLESS to increase its capacity and reduce the frequency of claims.

10. Can I earn BLESS while offline?

Yes, you can earn or lose BLESS while offline if you are selected as an opponent and attacked by another user who spins for battle.

11. Can you earn real money with BLESS?

Yes, you can earn direct TON even in Phase 1 with our BLESS to Earn feature, We have a TON reward pool gradually to reward lucky users who purchased the ticket using BLESS.

12. Do I need TON to purchase the tickets?

Yes, you need TON as gas fees to purchase tickets in BLESS to Earn feature, this is for the TON network fees.

13. Daily Check-In Rewards: Why Didn't I Get 20 Spins?

A: You need to wait 24 hours after your last successful check-in to claim your next 20 spins. Our app has a countdown timer to help you track this.

14. Stacking Spins: Why Can't I Do It?

A: To stack spins (use multiple spins at once), you need to have enough available spins in your account. You can find this information in the "Flash Spinning" section of your settings. The new Flash Spinning system encourages using multiple spins to balance your stats, rather than focusing on one through stacking.

15. If I do the Flash Spinning and got the Battle, will my battle reward stack as well?

A: Yes! If you win a battle after stacking spins, your base reward will also be multiplied based on the number of spins you stacked with a bonus.

16. Can I Win a Battle with Less Than a 50% Chance?

A: Absolutely! Even a 1% chance battle can be won with some luck. Remember, anything less than a 100% win chance means the outcome depends on luck.

17. How can I earn BLESS?

A: There are several ways to earn BLESS: Spinning, Free Mining, Winning Battles, and the BLESS to Earn Reward Pool.

18. What Can I Use BLESS For?

A: BLESS can be used to earn $TON or $SPHYNX.

19. What is $SPHYNX?

A: $SPHYNX is our main project token, working like a memecoin. It will be available for trading on the TON Blockchain in Phase 2.

These FAQs should help you understand the key features and mechanics of Sphynx. If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out to our support team!

Last updated