Clan Features

How to create a clan

To establish a clan, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Go to the Sphynx bot at

  • Step 2: Use the command /clan_create name_clan. Cost of clan creation is 10,000 BLESS

  • Example: To create a clan named “ Community”, enter the command: /clan_create Community.

Clan Features

  1. Update Clan Image:

  • Command: Send an image to the Sphynx bot with the text clan_update_logo to set your clan’s logo, do not use "/".

  1. Update Clan Bio:

  • Command: /clan_update_bio clan_bio. Cost to update clan bio is 500 BLESS. Bio Characters must be between 10-120.

  • Example of bio: "Members must be active❗️I won’t kick❌Join Clan Chat @sphynx_meme.", then type this in the bot: /clan_update_bio Members must be active❗️I won’t kick❌Join Clan Chat @sphynx_meme.

No need to wait for the reply message, go to Sphynx App and check out new clan bio.

  1. Update Clan Name:

  • Command: /clan_update_name clan_name. Cost to update clan name is 10,000 BLESS.

  • Example: Change your clan name from ' Community' to 'Jacobs and Sphynxians', type this in the bot: /clan_update_name Jacobs and Sphynxians

No need to wait for the reply message, go to Sphynx App and check out new clan name.

Clan Management

  • Clan owner can kick inactive member up to 20 times per day.

  • Clan owner can leave his clan by transfering the owner to other members.

How to Leave Your Clan (as owner)?

  1. At the 3 dots button (Same as the one to get invite link), Hit 'Transfer Owner'.

  2. Transfer ownership to other member as you wish.

  3. Hit the 3 dots button again, and 'Leave the Clan'

Last updated